Get started to My API REST:  Conexion a la Base de Datos de Postgres

By: ' Isaac Luisjuan Guerrero '
Create your USERS, CUSTOMERS, PRODUCTS, CATEGORIES, ORDERS and manipulate them with your CRUD operations.

Creat your account -------->


You must creat your account first


name, lastName, phone, user: {email and password}

with "POST" in Insomnia or in your Frontend

Log in -----> /api/v1/auth/login

Then you must log in to obtain your authentication token


email and password with "POST"

in Insomnia or in your Frontend

In order to access most Endpoints, you must send the token that was assigned to you in the headers of each request you make, to authenticate yourself (If you use insomnia in Auth and then in bearer)

Users ->

Users have a one-to-one relationship with customers.

Customer ->

Customers have a one-to-one relationship with Users and also a one-to-many relationship with Orders.

Categories ->

Categories have a one-to-many relationship with Products.

Products ->

Products have a many-to-one relationship with Categories and also a many-to-many relationship with Orders.

Orders ->

Orders have a many-to-one relationship with users and also a many-to-many relationship with products.

Order-Products ->

Order-Products is the ternary table that enables the many-to-many connection between Orders and products.

Profile ->

Show how many orders you have, send your token too.

Recover your password ------->


Send a recovery token to your email


email with "POST"

in Insomnia or in your Frontend

Get the token in the "params" of the link

Change of password ---->


Send a recovery token


token:"recoveryToken" and newPassword

with "POST" in Insomnia or in your Frontend

Ready!! You changed your password